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Cath's Corner

Catherine Mia Schöfmann

About Me!

Hi! My name’s Cath, although you may find me using otcathatsya online sometimes, which is a barely disguised embedding of my name in a word from the book series & show Shadow and Bone.

I am a comp sci PhD candidate at Jülich Research Center, Germany, studying somewhere along the intersection of machine learning and comp. neuroscience. Originally from Austria and previously studied in the UK!

I am a member of NEST Logo and my current project is about accelerating simulations of spiking nets with realistic synaptic density on alternative hardware, more specifically Graphcore’s IPU, by designing algorithms that can exploit distributed memory and massive parallelism. My hope is to publish the code alongside the future paper, so stay tuned!

Beyond work I am partial to mountains, climbing them, books (I had a goodreads once but got too lazy), travel, languages, politics and games. Big music enthusiast and amateur vinyl collector. Reckon there’s a STEM stereotype hidden in there somewhere. Did I mention that I love bubble tea?

This is where I advertise projects

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